Environment Day
On the occasion of June 5 – World Environment Day, the „Vojislav Ilić“ Rudnik Cultural Centre hosted the opening of an exhibition of works by 5th to 8th grade pupils of the Arsenije Loma Primary School. Among 30 works, an expert jury, namely: Radoš Gačić – art historian, Valentina Nađ – editor of the Vajar children’s programme and Nevena Čavorović – graphic designer chose the three best ones.
The first prize went to Nevena Čivović, 5th grade, for her tempera painting entitled Joy, the second went to Nikolina Ilić, 5th grade, for her collage entitled Flowers, whereas the third prize went to Marko Jocović, 5th grade, for his tempera painting entitled A Forest Tale.
The exhibition was visited by the school principal Dragana Miletić and the pupils of the school, whereas the pupils’ parents attended the prize presentation ceremony. The exhibition was open until June 12.