20 years of the Rudnik Mine and Flotation Ltd. Rudnik
In 2024, the Rudnik Mine and Flotation Ltd. celebrated 20 years of existence and successful business operations. To mark the occasion, the Company managers planted 20 symbolic young plants in CONTANGO – RUDNIK PARK. The young plants were planted by the Company General Manager, Aco Ilic, The Technical Manager of the Mine, Petar Djordjevic, Production and Deep Drilling Manager, Dragan Petrovic, Mine Pit Manager, Marko Mladenovic, Technical Manager of the Flotation Plant, Sasa Janic, Laboratory Head, Ljiljana Obrenovic, Procurement and Sale Manager Marina Jocovic, Legal Compliance Officer Danijela Ognjanovic, Corporate Communications and Social Responsibility Manager Dubravka Tomic and Poljina Ljutic, B.Eng. in Civil Construction. Ivan Komatina, Contango General Manager and Mining Explorations Department Manager Dusan Crnobrnic joined in the trees’ planting activity.