Recertified social responsibility management standard IQNet SR 10
The Rudnik Company satisfied the set requirements and became the holder of the IQNet SR 10 Certificate (Social Responsibility Management Systems Requirements), which specifies the requirements for the definition, implementation, maintenance and upgrading of the social responsibility management system in the organization.
The Certificate was received in July 2019. The first ordinary supervisory inspection was realized at the beginning of July 2020, by the inspectors of the JUQS certification company. The Rudnik Company successfully recertified the IQNet SR 10:2015 standard.
*IQNet (The International Certification Network) is an international association, and the greatest association of certification bodies with head office in Berne. It includes 37 certification bodies in total.
*JUQS (a limited liability company for certification and quality system inspection from Belgrade – a certification body accredited by the Accreditation Authority of Serbia), an IQNet member.